Quirky Blogs

Embracing Our Inner Critic:

Time to Shine and Say “Whatever, Bitches!” As women, we are often our harshest critics. We scrutinise every photo, find flaws in our appearance, and

Who is Bogan Bev?

Introducing Jo Stevens’ Emotional Habit Identity: Bogan Bev.
Bev isn’t your average self-care buddy; she’s the ultimate companion for those moments when you just need to unwind and let loose. However, Jo knows the fine line between self-care and procrastination, and she’s mindful of keeping Bogan Bev in check.

Navigating the #NewYearStruggles

Not everyone starts the new year with excitement for the year ahead. It can be really challenging to stay motivated and not feel overwhelmed by the future.

Common Grounds Women's Business Network

Meet the incredible women from Jo’s networking group. 

Popular Stories

The Power of Mindfulness and Self-Awareness

The Power of Mindfulness and Self-Awareness for a Fulfilling Life Mindfulness and self-awareness are two of the most powerful skills for personal and professional growth.

Embracing Our Inner Critic:

Time to Shine and Say “Whatever, Bitches!” As women, we are often our harshest critics. We scrutinise every photo, find flaws in our appearance, and

Who is Bogan Bev?

Introducing Jo Stevens’ Emotional Habit Identity: Bogan Bev.
Bev isn’t your average self-care buddy; she’s the ultimate companion for those moments when you just need to unwind and let loose. However, Jo knows the fine line between self-care and procrastination, and she’s mindful of keeping Bogan Bev in check.

Navigating the #NewYearStruggles

Not everyone starts the new year with excitement for the year ahead. It can be really challenging to stay motivated and not feel overwhelmed by the future.

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